Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Never Forget

Topic: Did the book come to a satisfactory closure? Why or Why not? If not what would you have done differently if you were the author? Never Forget didn't come to a satisfactory closure for me it just kind of abruptly ended. They start the book off with a introduction and they lay all the groundwork for the book kind of giving you what it consists of and after they tell the stories of these 82 people they just stop no closing statement or anything. I was expecting them to end with a statement from both of they authors just like it started off with but that didn't happen they went straight into the acknowledgments. If i was the author of this book I would have done several thing differently first I would have had a better structure to the stories (i.e. grouping similar ones together) maybe people that died/people that saw it happen, people that were in the building that could have died and then people that helped. This would help the book flow a little better, along with that maybe introduce the different parts with like a sub introduction that gave their opinions on what happened surrounding these type of people. That would bring them into the book cause now they don't seem very attached to the story. Then to bring the book to a close i would have something like the introduction they gave but have closing remarks about the attacks and how it have effected you life to talk and interview these people and learn these stories. In my opinion that would for me bring the book to a satisfactory closure.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Never Forget

Topic: How does this book compare to Last Man Down? Last man down was a similar type of book about 9/11 that I read last semester. the book was about a man by the name of Richard Picciotto who was a FDNY Battalion commander on duty at the time of the 9/11 terrorist attack. In Last Man Down Pasiner writes the story Picciotto tells him about 9/11 including in great detail the time Picciotto spent trapped inside the building and him watching his friend and coworker die while they were trapped. It was a great book and was very moving. Never Forget was a similar book but it didn't give the entire story from on persons point of view it created the big picture from 82 little pictures. It had similar situations from people being trapped, to people going in and saving those that they could, to people dying, to near death experiences for so many different people. It was just a moving as Last Man Down. But in my opinion Last Man Down was in comparison a better book, because it was better written, and you got a more detailed look in to the mindset and experiences of Picciotto. With Never Forget the book seemed choppy and at certain time it was hard to stay connected with the context of the book because of the chaos that when on in the book. I was expecting some of the choppiness because all of the stories were from different people but not as much as I saw in the book, most of the stories didn't connect I was expecting at least for there to be some sort of transitions between each story but their wasn't and that made it very hard to connect with the book.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Never Forget

Topic: What was the authors purpose for the book. How do you know/ how does the author show this? How does this help with you connection to the topic? The authors main purpose for this book is to give you a insight in to the tragic story of 9/11. But also to recognize those that survived, those that help save lives, and those that died all that tragic Tuesday. They do a good job at making sure they stories clearly state who the person is and how they are related to the attack. but also the stories go beyond the normal what was seen and heard to what people experienced, how they felt and how it changed their life. With over 80 different detailed accounts of that tragic day. The authors purpose was shown through out the book with the array of people they chose, from people that were in the towers when the planes hit, to relatives of those who were on the flight that died, to rescue workers. But not only that but the frequent pictures in the book, the statements made pertaining to the attack and the introduction all clearly show the purpose. In the introduction in which the authors both talk about what they were doing when it occurred and their reason for writing the book was to give the American people a real insight to that day by compiling the stories of people directly affected by the tragic day. I would say their purpose was achieved it really showed you haw the people were feeling about the attack and through out the entire book I was compelled to read on by the amazing stories I read from each of the individuals in the book.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Never Forget

Topic: People whose story stood out, and why? Gary Smiley- He was a paramedic in New York at the time of 9/11 he stood out to me because he saved the lives of like 4 people just he knew it was the right thing to do, he did it despite the fact that he got hurt saving the first person. Lyzbeth Glick- She was married to one of the passengers that died on flight 93. She stood out to me because she had talked to her husband while he was on the plane after it had been hijacked and she gives a detailed account of the conversation. Jillian Volk- she was engaged to one of the men who died in 9/11. she stood out to me cause she isn't like most of the accounts that were given for people who died, she talks about her day before the attack than goes into it. Tim Cahill- He was a construction worker at Ground Zero. He stood out to me because his account is about the things they found at the site from people to electronics. At one point he talks about a lady he found in a pinstriped blue suite on the site. The last one is a Benjamin Garelick- He was a second grader at the time of 9/11 who witnessed the attack. he stood out to me because even though he was little he did something to help after 9/11 he raised money for one of the fire departments the responded to the call. His donation helped them to buy a new fire truck.