Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Last Man Down

TOPIC: What does the writer do at the beginning to draw you into the book? At the beginning of the book Paisner talks about "the 5" Which is a 5 bell ring that would be sounded over the internal bell system to signify that a firefighter had died on duty. After which a moment of silence would occur. He goes on to talk about how normal the day was up until "the 5". At that time he says what would normally be just the bells followed by silence turned into a constant hum and a day of silence across New York. Immediately following that he gives a list of all 343 firefighters that were killed that tragic day. In that list he includes their full name, rank, and their assigned unit. This defiantly step the story up even though this was very sad it gave you a on look about how all these men risked their lives to save the lives of innocent people. They could have easily been selfish and said no i have a family but instead they were selfless not selfish and because of them many people live today. This most certainly caught my attention and made me want to read the book.

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